Monday, February 1, 2010

B2B vs B2C

Its really important for marketers to understand the difference between B2B and B2C. There is a fundamental difference between the way you approach these two sets of customers. In b2c, marketing goal is to not only market the product but also sell it. In b2b, you focus mainly on generating leads and helping sales team in nurturing those leads. For example, if you are creating an online landing page for your marketing campaign, in b2c your landing page will provide conumers the opprotunity to buy your products/services. However, landing page of b2b marketing campign is more informative in nature. It should focus more on educating your consumers so that they would consider you in their buying process.
B2c buyers normally put lot of emphasis on emotion, brand where as business are more rational in their buying decision. Apart from higher lead time, b2b consumers also have multiple approval layers. our marketing campaign should focus towards addressing people in that chain. Its really important for marketers to understand these small adjustments in their marketing strategies to succeed at highest level.

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